Sunday, February 17, 2019

The last supper with our medical missionaries.

In the brilliant words of Dr. Seuss: 
“Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”

Today I invited the Skinners and the Stinchfields who are two of the medical missionary couples who are finishing their mission. They are so amazing and I we will sure miss them! The only problem is that I forgot to take a picture. We prepared a South of the border meal Enchiladas, tamales, rice, beans and salads. I made my famous pico de gallo and chia drink too. They brought the dessert! It was to die for! 

 Missionaries would call Elder (Doc.) Skinner for anything. He is a brilliant E R doctor. He could tell you over the phone what to do by just asking questions. The other couple have been helping with the Dental Clinic. The Filipinos are so lucky to have a dental clinic for its missionaries. What a blessing! 

 As you head into a fabulous President’s Day Holiday tomorrow I wanted to remind everyone to not let a single moment get away from you.  Life is short and there is so much to do and enjoy!  Make tomorrow one that is full of time with loved ones and friends and laughter and fun!  If you decide to do that now, before Monday begins, then you will most likely have a fabulous time!  But if you wait and don’t make any plans you can so easily have the day pass you by without having made any great memories.  Don’t let that happen.

Sometimes I get so caught up in feeling like I can’t waste any time that I forget to remember that “Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time!”  There is nothing wrong with having fun and kicking back with your family and friends.  We can’t become so busy being busy that we miss the joy of the world around us.

Make time to hug your kids or to help a friend or to create a great memory.  Once this Holiday is gone you can never have it back again, so don’t waste it.  Enjoy it!

Con amor,

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