Wednesday, May 15, 2019

I love Spring!

I can only imagine that those in Utah are super excited for Spring to finally bring some warm weather.  It has been a crazy cold winter and I, for one, feel thankful to watch the snow fall all the way from the Philippines via windows on my computer and not my front room windows hence I am not a big fan of the cold.  When Spring made its debut, It used to make me so incredibly happy to walk outside and feel the sunshine again.  
I also love Spring because it brings an energy that motivates us to clean out the old and bring in the new.  We are on our way out from the Philippines and into Argentina so I started to clean out some old files. Paper is heavy and I don’t want to feel rushed when the movers come on June 3. If we had stayed with the original plan, we would had the movers tomorrow and I am not ready yet. 

I have been organizing every room one at a time. Fist the guest room and bathroom since we are having guests for four days. Next was the kitchen.  Now it’s time to go through my closets and decide which things I need and which I don’t the Marie Kondo way. I have to free up two closets. And last but not least, I have to look through papers and miscellaneous things and that is the hardest to do, so much that I feel a little overwhelmed at times but I just take a deep breath so I don’t feel so anxious. It’s now time to take it one day at a time. 

Con amor,

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