Saturday, May 4, 2019

My trip was cut short but that is ok

There are three things I will remember about my trip to Idaho.
One, I got to be there when Vera was born.
Two, We received our new assignment to South American South
Three, my trip to Eagle, Idaho was cut short!

 I was going to stay with Cristi and family until May 10th but I had to change my flights a week earlier so that Bishop Davies could make the transition from one DTA to the next. I will never forget when I knew of the change of assignment on April 16th when Daniel was asked to move to Buenos Aires and that meant making a few changes in our schedules. We thought we would be in the Philippines for at least two more months but we are used to making the necessary adjustments whenever is needed. In his line of work, you have to be flexible.

I can't deny my disappointment because I wished I had seen Bianca, Mandy, Vale and Paola who came to Idaho the very day I left. I even cried on the plane. We missed each other by a a few hours but that is life. You never know exactly how everything is going to play out but I am grateful for the opportunity I had to receive our newest granddaughter. Vera Edythe Dame. She was name after me, Veronica and because of its meaning. Vera means "Truth and Faith."

I can't complain. I was visiting Cristi and family from April 8 to may 3 that is 24 days instead of 31 days so I should be grateful for those wonderful three whole weeks.  I am thankful for all the opportunities in my life to be able to travel back and forth no matter where I am sent. I try to be present in those special occasions that involved the children and grandchildren.

I had a tender mercy on my last flight home with upgrades from two long flights. Boise to Dallas and Dallas to Narita, Japan. I can't complain!

Con amor,

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