Tuesday, May 14, 2019

My message is my life

Today I gave the following message to the employees at the office.

President Nelson wrote a poem as his acceptance speech after receiving a prestigious award. Here is MY version of “my message is my life” taken from President Nelson’s words. 

My message is my life!

I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me and I love Him. He is my maker.

My Savior Jesus Christ is my light and His gospel is all I need in this life to guide me. 

Our Lord’s endless truth is my law which I will follow with exactness till the day I die. 

My dear parents are my inspiration who taught me how to choose right from wrong.

My true love and husband, who came later into my life is my greatest blessing. 

Children and grandchildren choice are my pride and joy whom I adore dearly. 

My happiness is to be available and able to serve those in need. 

My message is my life and I hope that when my time is up, my children will be proud of who I am. No matter who you think you are, remember that you were born into a royal family as a child of God. 

I wish I could speak Tagalog and talk to you as a native, however I do know Spanish and many words are similar to Spanish words.

 Last year I translated for sister Uceda. As an interpreter, I had to pay close attention to the message she was delivering. Translating is an art because words sometimes do not make sense when translated literally. Whenever we visited your wards I heard a word here and there in Spanish and that was all I had to know to understand what you were saying. I made a list of those words and what I thought they meant. 

Words like:

Privilegio, importante testimonio. 
What a privilege to have a testimony as an important thing in our lives. 

Profeta, Dios, camino
God showed us the way through his prophets.

Visita, angel, milagro 
What a miracle to learn about visiting angels.

Siempre, instrumento mano.
I want to be an instrument in His hands.

Ordenanza, baustismo, miembro
The ordinance of baptism is needed to become a member. 

Sacrificio, mision Jesucristo 
The sacrifice of Jesus Christ was his mission.

Sacramento spiritual
The most spiritual aspect of our Sunday meeting is when we take the sacrament. 

Delicado, Espiritu Santo
The Holy Ghost is delicate and can leave our presence if we are not careful. 

Complicado problema
Problems can a times be complicated. 

 Familia trabajo
It takes a lot of work to build a beautiful family.

Mensaje, perfecto evangelio 
The message of a perfect gospel is all we need in our lives. 

Besides all those Spanish words, we also hear English. What a blessing it was for us that you read the scriptures in English and sang the hymns in English. Music is another way of conveying feelings that express the way we feel so in closing I will share my favorite primary song with you. With the miracle of technology our daughter Bianca will sing for you and as you listen to the words think of what a beautiful world Heavenly Father created for you and for me and this is my testimony that I leave with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

As Bianca sang that beautiful song. I wept. The spirit was so strong! 

Con amor,

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