Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Be Still my soul

Today I am sharing what Bianca wrote:

Thoughts on 33 days on quarantine.

Quoting my own child.

"I haven't posted on here in a long time! I hope this finds you well. Recent events have had me feeling a lot of things, and music has been helpful. So I send this out with love! Lately I've had this "ah ha!" moment and fell like God has been teaching me this.. to remember to trust Him. 

A few weeks ago, I had the rare privilege of being on a jog alone in the woods. I was listening to some inspirational music and taking deep breaths in and out. I felt this overwhelming feeling of love from God and these words of comfort to 'remember, thy God doth undertake to guide the future as He has the past." These are lyrics from my favorite hymn and they've been coming too my mind often in all this uncertainty and change. 

Words and intention are powerful! And I keep getting impressions that I need to remember. Everything, even filth, can work together for my good if I choose to let it. Filth turns into beauty in nature. Think of cow poop for example... how that filth actually is turned into fertile ground for growth. I dare say we are in a lot of "crap" right now, and I have no doubt it is preparatory to something beautiful beyond description. Be still my soul... all safe and blessed we shall meet at last." 

Bianca has a beautiful soothing voice and for her and her insights, I am grateful. 

Con amor,

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