Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The three Nephites

Thoughts on our 27 days on quarantine.

As Jesus was preparing to leave the Nephites, He asked each of HIs twelve disciples to tell Him what they desired of Him. Three of them did to speak, but Jesus knew their thoughts: they wanted to remain on earth until He came again so they could serve others and teach the gospel. Jesus blessed them that they would not die and would be protected while they remained on the earth.

Today I was thinking, what would like to be one of the Three Nephites? They have been on this earth two millennia and have seen the Churh grow despite the fact that for some years it seemed that everything disappeared as the Apostles started to get old and died.

Amazing to think that when I was in third grade we learned how then Indians were so friendly with the Spanish Conquistadors because the natives thought is was the white God who was coming back. This is found in every History text and I believe it's true.

Con amor,

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