Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tea Tuesday

Thoughts on 40 days on quarantine.

I love Tuesdays because this is one day I get to FaceTime together with Cristi, Bianca and Mandy and grandchildren while they are staying home due to quarantine. We share thoughts, and at times I do a spot light on one of our relatives so they learn about them. I admire so much these mothers who are doing all the teaching at home plus everything else.

Here are three quotes to keep our spirits up:
"Troubles never need to be permanent nor fatal... Darkness always yells to light. The sun always rises. Faith, hope and charity will always triumph in the end; furthermore, they will triumph all along the way... In days ahead, you may suffer some disappointment. On occasion you may feel genuine despair, either for yourself, your children, or for the plight of others. You may even make a personal mistake or two, and you may worry that any chance to be happy and secure in life has eluded you. when such times come, I ask you to remember. "This is the gospel of happy endings." Jeffrey R. Holland

"Regardless of the world's condition, you can face the future with optimism and joy if you have faith in Jesus Christ... It is mentally rigorous to strive to look unto Him in every thought. But when we do, doubts are fears flee." Russell M. Nelson

"All of us, at some time or another, will traverse spiritual wilderness and undertake rugged emotional journeys. In those moments, however dark or seemingly hopeless they may be, if we search for it, there will always be a spiritual light that beckons, giving us hope of rescue and relief. The light shines from our Savior, who is the Light of the World... Discerning the Savior's spiritual light begins with our willingness to believe. We are then given a promise-- every one that asks, shall receive; and those who seek, shall find; and they that knock it shall be opened. every day each of us faces a test; Will we chose to believe and allow His light to grow within us, or will we refuse to believe and travel in darkness? The Savior shines Hs guiding light on all who will choose to believe and follow Him." Whitney Clayton

I am grateful for young mothers who are taking the time to teach their children those things of the heart and the spirit as well.

Con amor

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