Sunday, April 26, 2020

He is the Master Healer

Thoughts on 38 days on quarantine.

The last five weeks as I’ve watched the news stories and read the articles about the spread of the Coronavirus it has been difficult not to let feelings of fear start creeping in. Especially fear for how it would affect your aging parents, fear for friends with low immune systems, fear for the medical teams working on patients. Fear that not only this disease is killing people but also killing the economy. And the list goes on...

As I spoke with my mother, kids, sisters, I realize that all our conversation revolves around COVID-19. This virus is having a massive effect on us, the economy, on jobs, on companies, etc. As I sit still looking out the window early this morning, (I couldn’t get to sleep with all the worries about all the things this could affect.) I thought about a quote from President Nelson.  

“I wish to express my deep gratitude to all who participated in the recent fasts—both on Good Friday, April 10, and on Sunday, March 29—as we joined together to petition our Heavenly Father for relief from the effects of COVID-19. I was humbled to learn of friends from many faiths all over the world who joined with us to appeal for relief.

Fasting reminds me of the supreme sacrifice that our Savior, Jesus Christ, made for each of us. As we look forward to a recovery from this worldwide pandemic, I pray that we will find a stronger relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is our Master Healer. He will heal our broken hearts. He will bestow upon us personal peace and comfort. Thanks to Jesus Christ, no condition is hopeless. Thanks to Him, brighter days are ahead, both here and hereafter.”  

This is very true. If we think on a brighter note, maybe, just maybe this COVID-19 has invited us to seek our Savior Jesus Christ more. He is the Master Healer. 

Con amor,

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