Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Inasmuch as ye have done it...

Thoughts on our 19 day on quarantine.

Who doesn't remember Matthew 25: 35-40 on the topic of the love and charity taught by the Savior. He taught us to soften our hearts, be kind, help those less fortunate  but not only that, we are asked to forgive our enemies and pray for those who hate us. How about that?

Remember, "individuals or groups whose objective is to condemn, discredit, rail, or tear down those whose beliefs are different from their own. These people who live by hatred would destroy others if it were within their power to do so. Lasting peace cannot be built while we are reviling and hating others. True Christians have no time for contention. those who preach hate, ridicule, and slander are the opposite of "peacemakers" and they will reap a bitter harvest according to the poisonous seeds that they sow." Marvin J. Ashton

Con amor,

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