Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Shame on Disney

Today we went  with the Area Presidency, all eight of us, to see the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy." It had just come out and we had seen the first one and thought this next one would be just as good but we were wrong.

This supposed to be PG show where you can take your four year old to watch but to my great disappointment it was not all that good nor enjoyable to watch because Disney has decided to join the rest of the filthy film industry and show profane language and untactful innuendos on their movies.

I felt that using profanity is not necessary. I don't speak that way and I know children who come see the show don't either so why on earth do they have to get down to the lowest level. There were some good special effects but other than that, I don't recommend this new movie to anyone.

Fortunately not all movies use profanity but more and more they are becoming the exception rather than the rule. One movie we saw that was a good example of a clean movie is Hidden Figures. Not only was well made but the story line was also amazing and it is a movie I could take my grandchildren to see.

I only like to purchase movies that are wholesome in nature and Hidden Figures is in that category, and from now on, I will be careful whenever I chose to see a Disney movie or any PG movie for that matter. What has this world come to. Sad!

Con amor,

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