Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Book is out!


 Our "In the Spirit of Gershon" book will have its official publication today, April 6, 2017.

You can tell others this good news: The publisher does have the book for sale online now as of yesterday because the link is live on the Digital Legend website for the book so people can order it online. Authors can share this link in an email, and it will work to reach the place where our book is on the D L site:

Also, through the attached QR code if they want to use it-- it should take them directly to our book’s area of the site and how to order it.
Everyone can also buy a printed copy at the Expo at UVU through Saturday night. (April 6-8)

 What is exciting is that now the book is discounted on the D L website at the Expo show special price-- the same as it is at the Expo at UVU this week. The show special price is $20.00 each instead of $22.95 list price). 
I wish that the publisher would have free copies for the authors, but that is not how it works with their business model. Not a typical publisher.  Also, by buying 2 or more books this week, there is a 15% discount on 2 or more books.

 It is a print on demand book and also an eBook. 
I am a little sad that I am  not going to be there when the Book is launched but I can't leave Manila until May 24th and by that time all the Authors will be on vacation. BYU is ending their Spring Semester next week and that is when the Authors are meeting along with their spouses. Those are the things I get a little annoyed sometimes by being so far away but I have to be positive and think of all the amazing things Daniel is doing for the area in the Philippines. For now, I will just take a deep breath and not worry about it too much. I will eventually be able to purchase a book for me and start reading it. When I am done, I will share it with all my contacts to see who would like a copy. At least I know a publisher who took a chance at us. 
Con amor,

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