Sunday, June 4, 2017

Visiting the Caloocan ward

Today like every Sunday except for the fourth Sunday of the month, we went to a ward to attend our meeting. People here are so nice and they treat us so well. we met the Stake President and the Bishop. All seemed so young to me. Late twenties and early thirties. They asked Daniel and me to sit on the stand to bear our testimonies at an opportune time so we did.

The rest of the people spoke mostly in Tagalog but I did understand a few words they said and I wrote them down:

I am sure that there are many others but those were the ones that I heard. Sometimes I get up and say those words and talk about them in my testimony but today I felt I needed to bear my testimony of the Holy Ghost after reading he talk by Elder Rasband. I honestly think that the key to remaining faithful is to keep our covenants so we can have the Holy Ghost be our guide in everything we do.

Con amor,

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