Monday, June 12, 2017

Tour of the New MTC

Today was a Holiday in the Philippines, it is Independence Day so that means, no alarm clocks, Yay!!!  except for the phone call we get religiously from Ani, and that was a good thing because   we decided to take advantage of the fact that we were awake and went to an open house they were having to tour the new MTC expansion and what a treat! We are glad we went!!

Touring this facility made me realized how fun it is to be a missionary. I know it’s hard, everyone says that, but what an incredible experience for these lucky missionaries when you get to have your days filled with incredible spiritual experiences with some of the most amazing humans from all corners of the world who are only focusing on one thing and that is to serve!

A woman I know posted some highlights of her daughter’s emails over the last eight months she has been on her mission. It amazes me all the wisdom that is shown at such a young age.

Here they are:

(note they are in her exact words and punctuation…hashtags and all)


October 17 2015: worst. day. of. my. life. And the longest…FOR ANYONE WHO HAS THEIR MISSION CALLS: MISSIONS ARE HARD. Like, you think you know… but you have no idea until you actually get out here! I definitely thought I knew what I was getting into. Dude. Just make sure you are doing it for the Lord and all of the right reasons! Because there is absolutely no way you can make it through even a week in the Mission Training Center if it’s for anything or anyone else!

 Friday Oct. 20 2016: I’m learning so much patience. With myself mostly….  If you don’t have faith on a mission you’re toast – Learning a language is harder, feeling the spirit is harder, everything is harder. SO FAITH IS KEY!!!!

Saturday Oct.21 2016: BEST DAY OF MY LIFE !!!

 Sunday Oct.22 2016:  Just know i could go on for days about how great it is, and hard it is, and funny it is! The emotional rollarcoaster is so real! But for the most part it is SOOO GOOD!… Missions are amazing! love you all so so so much and miss everyone like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!! But a mission is exactly what I am supposed to be doing right now! I know that! ———A FEW WEEKS LATER (ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING)   

 Nov 7  2016 “Some people see the glass half empty. Good people see the glass half full. But extraordinary people are just grateful for the glass!” Heavenly Father will never take our trials or hardships away from us – But He WILL give us the strength to carry our burdens! Geez i love that guy. Keep your head up, chin held high, and walk through Heck with a smile!…Attitude is everything…the gospel is amazing! ONE MONTH MARK: (EXACT OBEDIENCE BRINGS JOY)                            

 Dec. 12 2016 This week our District goal was EXACT OBEDIENCE! yikes. ya it´s harder than it seems! But it was so good! And the blessings are real! Our first morning we had that goal I was asked to say the prayer for district meeting… and in my prayer I asked to bless us to have fun while still being exactly obedient. tee hee when i said that everyone started laughing!! look... it´s possible to have fun while being exactly obedient!! Holy cats read ALMA 26!!! It talks all about how the gospel is full of JOY!!! and how HAPPY it makes people!! It says happiness and joy like 10 times!! Look… if we aren´t laughing and having fun everyday…we´re doing it wrong! The whole point of Heavenly Father´s plan is HAPPINESS!!! Hence, the Plan of Happiness!!! COME ON! THATS SWEET!!! I think we sometimes lose sight of that and think of the “rules” that we follow. But in reality the whole point of this gospel is to make us happier than we´ve ever been before! So it´s okay to have fun and laugh a little..All while being exactly obedient!!! 

 January 16 2017 COOLEST STORY EVER ALERT*** In a Book of Mormon class at BYU they kept talking about the refiner’s fire. One girl wanted to learn more about what that meant… so she went to a legit silversmith place to watch as they refined the silver. First, the silversmith held each individual piece of silver over the fire BY HAND, not a machine. Then when they were ready, he took them out. The girl asked, “when do you know when it’s ready to be taken out?” and the silversmith said, “When i can see my reflection in it.” …… DUDE! COME ONE!!!!! SO COOL! God hold each and every one of us over our own “fires” or trials and afflictions by hand. He watches us carefully and is always there. Then once we endure our trials well and with patience, and actually start to “reflect” HIS countenance, we are ready to be taken out of the fire.

———FOUR MONTHS IN        (POWER OF ENTHUSIAM)                                    
 Feb 6 2017 This was the BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE!!!! Can we all just take a second to LOVE THIS GOSPEL!!??? gosh dang it!!! THE CHURCH IS TRUE! #knowit #liveit #LOVEIT!

(Today is a continuation of yesterday’s blog sharing some favorite snippets of my daughter Ashley’s emails she has sent home over the course of her 18 month mission with the valuable life lesons she was learning along the way – these lessons are such relevant lessons for all of our lives and I hope you enjoy reading them. They are continuing from yesterday’s blog in chronological order to help illustrate the growth that takes place over the 18 months of serving othersJ)


Subject line: Lose yourself    That moment when one of Eminem’s best lyrics fits perfectly as the subject line for an LDS mission email home. #lifegoals #winning

– We ran into a lot of really cool character building moments this week. I’m learning that it’s NOT the big things that build us. But the TINY minuscule things. Like when a member asked us to come help her move some furniture around… then two hours later she wanted to switch it all back again! At that very moment I had to stand back and think, “dude. am i telling her the couch looks good here just cuz i wanna get outta here!? Or am i really trying to help this woman feel good about her house and make it look good.”…. SOOOO SMALL! right!? hahah! but it’s all about our intentions and those TINY character building moments! Everything out of love!

**I love the message of that email because it is a simple example that every single one of us can relate to…especially the husbands who have ever moved furniture for their wives….**


“When you do what you’ve did, you get what you’ve got!”

This week I’ve studied a lot about CHANGE! awe yes. Change. The ironic concept that we hate in the moment, but when we look back we are happy we did it…

Another thing I’ve been studying about is our will. Because God loves us so much, He gave us agency and our will. That is the ONE thing that we have, that God doesn’t already. So when we give our complete WILL to Him, we have given God EVERYTHING………And it’s as easy as a change of mind! #2seconds!

———SEVEN MONTHS –  (BLESSINGS OUTWEIGH HARDSHIPS)                             
 May 8 2017

So this week we have been completely exhausted… have huge bags under our eyes… Every now and then we twitch a little… And the tension in our neck and shoulders from the stress is killer…. And yet somehow this is the HAPPIEST IVE EVER BEEN!!!

The blessings on missions FAR outweigh the hardships. I have never regretted my decision to serve a mission for two seconds.. and I know I never will! Once again.. If anyone is on the fence about serving… GO! It truly has been the best time for my life so far. I am so grateful for my savior Jesus Christ! I know he lives. I know he loves us. He gives us new opportunities every single day, even when we disappoint him. He is our perfect example. I am grateful that he pushed me just far enough to be able to turn in my papers to serve a mission. I know that a lot of the time that is how He works. No strikes of lightning.. No earthquake shaking moments… He taps the domino just light enough for it to be able to start rolling.

. ———ABOUT THE HALFWAY MARK of her mission on June 5 2017  Ashley sent a letter to me – and this letter is one I want every young man and every young woman out there to listen carefully to because it is about the KIND OF HUSBAND A GIRL SHOULD WANT TO MARRY there is nothing more that i love than working side by side with President Wakolo [her mission president] and the Aps [the assistants to the president]!!! goodness… those guys are AMAZING! seriously mom… my level of caliber for my husband just went soaring! like… now that i know the potential that boys actually have… i am not wasting my time on dweebs!!! gosh. i just want to marry a freakin rockstar of a guy! ya know!? I’ve started my list of qualities that i want my husband to have some day… like not the stupid list that you make when you’re little and just care about looks and laughs.. like im talking detailed traits and characteristics that I’m learning that I need!!!…… so I’m pumped for my future fam one day…… being a mother is the MOST important thing i will ever do!… and I’m just preparing and learning for it now! 

[**As a parent, I have to say that having your daughter recognize the type of man she should marry is worth every second of every day she is gone**] ———

I was so touched by these amazing missionaries serving all over the world who are having similar experiences. What I learned today is that there are 70,926 young men and women serving a mission to be exact!

There are 422 missions and 15 Missions Training Centers. In addition, there are also 10,238 welfare service missionary couples serving in 189 countries. The Church membership is close to 16,000,000 and there are 30,304 congregations. Here in the Philippines we are very closed to reaching 100 stakes and for that event there is going to be a celebration planned with Elder Andersen and our dear friend, Elder Soares in September so as you can imagine, Daniel is working very hard as the Director for Temporal Affairs getting everything ready for when they come.

Con amor,


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