Friday, June 13, 2014

Activity day, last activity

I forgot how much kids love to swim. My mom in El Salvador from 1980 to 2003 lives in a home with a swimming pool and the girls loved coming over there to swim. The water was cold but they didn't care. I have so many fond memories in that home due to the fact it had a nice pool with a slide. Today I had the Primary kids over to swim with Nicole Lee. She has been swimming since age two and is an amazing athlete. She has been swimming for her school team and has competed hundreds of times. She was so cute to teach the kids some of her techniques.
The kids loved this activity. It was part of the word of wisdom series of activities. We had read the scripture D& C 89 and had discussed how interesting to know that back then over a hundred years ago, no one knew anything about Tabaco being bad for you but Joseph Smith was told the truth. After they were done swimming I had ordered pizza for them and had juice, salad, fruit and brownies. It turned out a fun end of Activity day for them and I feel so good I am able to provide those kinds of activities for the kids in our ward that otherwise would never have that opportunity.

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