Monday, June 16, 2014

The world cup

I love to watch the world cup the same way a love watching the Olympics. It is every four years and only the best are able to compete. I am always so amazed at the dedication it must take to make it in a team. I love the sport if is not a team I favored but when Uruguay or the USA plays I can't help to want them to win and when it does not happen I get very disappointed, even a little sad. The USA was playing today against Ghana and they scored in the first minute of the game so it gave them an edge but Ghana was a more physical team, they have more endurance by some miracle the USA team won 2-1
 A couple of decades ago, El Salvador participated in a world cup but I think is the only team that lost to Hungary 10 to 1 so probably it is a good thing that they don't even qualify to be competing. They have so far been in two world cups.

As you probably realize, I love soccer and the World Cup is hands down the best sport event to watch like the Olympics.  The thing that I love about the Word Cup is the fact that like a frend told me of her son who participated in those games is that those men participating in the games are the absolute best of the best that have dedicated themselves 100% to exceling in their talent. That is one of the most impressive things in the world to me – talented people who absolutely excel at those talents because they have been willing to completely dedicate themselves mentally and physically to being the best they can be.

 I can only imagine the number of sacrifices that these soccer players have had to make over the years. Everything from saying no to a favorite dessert to hours and hours of practice and falling and getting back up again and trying all over again. Their mental dedication is absolutely tremendous and it makes me so proud just to watch them perform. I don’t care what country they come from or what background they represent – they are all AWESOME! Truly. Now I will admit that I will vote for team USA because I believe in supporting your home team, but I am proud of every team from every country that has made it to the World Cup. Now, don’t make fun of me but I will even admit that I get choked up whenever they play each countries national anthem during the start of every game. I love to watch them raise the flags and I love to see how happy they are to make their country proud. There is something so honorable and patriotic about the World Cup and for sure the whole world is watching.

More than anything it makes me really want to be the very best that I can be with my own talents.

Maybe most of us will never make a professional team or the an Olympic sport, but we can certainly be the very best at our talents. God gave them to us for a reason and we should use them. Not only should we use them but we should really dedicate ourselves to growing them by making sacrifices necessary, hours of practice, falling and getting back up again, and trying all over again. That is what will make us the best of the best in life, and the thought of achieving that makes me excited! So today’s challenge is for everyone to look at the talents that you personally have and determine what steps you can take to build those talents out so they can shine in front of the world the same way a team playing on the World Cup or an Olympic Athlete’s talents shine for all of us on the big stage.

“Each of us has a fire in our hearts for something. It’s our goal in life to find it and to keep it lit.”–Mary Lou Retton


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