Sunday, June 22, 2014

Ward Party

At the start of last month in May I asked if the ward was doing something for the Andersen's like they had done for all the families who left years past. They had invited the ward members to Torre del Sol to eat and swim. I could tell no one had thought of doing something so I volunteered to do it without asking Daniel. He wanted to go on our home leave as soon as Elder Holland had left the area on June 14 but I felt the need to step up to do something for the Andersens. The date was set for June 21 at our apartment complex,
 First ward activity ever in this building and it turned out great because people who came are our friends from the ward who made it so special. I think we don't meet people by chance, they become part of our lives for a reason. Like this next quote:

In friendship…we think we have chosen our peers. In reality a few years’ difference in the dates of our births, a few more miles between certain houses, the choice of one university instead of another…the accident of a topic being raised or not raised at a first meeting–any of these chances might have kept us apart. But, for a Christian, there are, strictly speaking no chances. A secret master of ceremonies has been at work. Christ, who said to the disciples, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you,” can truly say to every group of Christian friends, “Ye have not chosen one another but I have chosen you for one another.” The friendship is not a reward for our discriminating and good taste in finding one another out. It is the instrument by which God reveals to each of us the beauties of others.”   -C.S. Lewis

I LOVE THAT QUOTE!!!  And I couldn’t agree with it more than I do.  I believe that the people who come into our lives and become our friends doesn’t just happen by accident.  I believe that we are meant to meet one another and impact one another’s lives for the better.  When I look at the circumstances that have brought so many of the important people into my life it is so clear to me that there was divine powers at work bringing those people into my path. That same thing applies to my husband Daniel and our children coming into our life. I know they didn’t end up in our life just by accident or circumstance, they were meant to be in our life and ours in theirs.

That is why I think it is so important to be aware of the people that come into your life.  Even those people you might think are just passing through…ask yourself, “could there be more to why this person was brought into my life to cross paths with me?”  If you keep that mindset you will find yourself far more aware as new people enter your surroundings.  You will watch for and notice those people far more and you will find yourself being far more receptive to getting to know people and forming new friendships.

This past Summer as my family and I have been participating in some really fun activities together I have made a point to talk to any other families around me in these activities.  The people around us this week are total strangers to us from many parts of the world who would fall into the category of most likely “passer-byers” but what if they aren’t? What if someone we meet this week is meant to have far greater meaning in our lives.  Wouldn’t it be a shame then not to get to know them and form a friendship?  And so I have been talking to strangers around me and already we have made friends with several families.  We may or may not see any of them ever again, and may or may not be impactful in our lives in the future or we in theirs, but what if they can and do?  Wouldn’t it be worth having made the efforts to get to know them just on the possibility alone?  I believe it is.  I have seen how worth it can be in my own life, both personally and professionally.  And without a doubt I believe that God is constantly leading people into our path to bring out the beauty in each other.

My challenge for the remainder of the year is to pay attention to the people coming into my path…believe there is a purpose for them being there…then set out to form a friendship that will help bring that purpose to fruition. We have lived in this apartment for almost five years and have not invited our next door neighbors yet. I plan to do that in August for sure before it starts to get crazy again with so much to do. She is from Uruguay like my husband and can't believe that because we are so busy we have become anti-social, but no more!


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