Saturday, April 9, 2016

Feeling sorrow

Today when I said my prayer. I felt sorrow for the people who were in the accident and specially for the young woman who died. I thought how could this happened to such nice people?

My husband got a call this morning from the fellow who reports security matters in the Philippines. He told him that a tricycle with nine people in it got hit by an SUV and all are injured and one even died. He told my husband that these people have no resources and that someone has to be responsible for paying all the medical bills. They are members of the Church and were coming back from an activity. All day my husband has been monitoring the situation and sending reports to people in Utah as well. The parents of these kids are very sad and trying to cope with this tragedy. The leaders have come to their aid too with the money collected from fast offering. Which brings me to the next point. Be generous with your fast offerings. It is the money strictly used to help the poor.

We decided last month to pay our fast offering and tithing for the whole year. I was a little hesitant since we are going to be putting a fence in our home in Bountiful but we took the leap of faith and have been blessed ten fold for doing so. I was worried about the apartment in City Creek being vacant and today I got a message that Elder Cook from the Seventy would like to rent it. What a miracle that is to have exactly the kind of person we want in there but that little inconvenience of not having the unit leased out is nothing in comparing with the trials these people are going through.

I feel ashamed that this minute things in my life even bother me. I have learned from this experience that there are a lot more things in life to really worry about. Things of eternal consequences. I hope this family finds comfort and peace in their hearts and that is my prayer.

Con amor,

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