Thursday, March 2, 2017

Cooking mayan style

Today I went to a cooking class from Guatemala. I kind of knew more less what they would be teaching us like how to make carne guisada, salpicon, tortillas de mais, horchata y platanos.  After all that good food I came home craving pupusas so that is exactly what we had for dinner.

I remember the Summer of 1982 we were in Los Angeles visiting Craig and Liz who were going to school in California. They had William, a two month old baby and we had Cristi a one month old baby at the time. I really wanted some Salvadoran food and I knew there had to be some Salvadoran restaurant in Los Angeles so I asked my brother in law if he could look for one.

 He did, and this was way before GPS! he drove for what it seemed like it took forever but finally we made it to a very screechy part of town and had pupusas. The name doesn't sound too appetizing but trust me, they are really good. They are basically stuffed corn quesadillas. It was amazing that not only we found a place to eat but that we got home safe. It was not a good area of town to say the least. This was probably gangs territory and we didn't know about it. We were so young and naive!

That is a memory I still remember, craving pupas so much that we made Craig and liz get out of their comfort zone to venture into some scary part of town to try Salvadoran food. Now you can find various Restaurants in Salt Lake only la few miles away. How times have changed!

Con amor,

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