Saturday, March 18, 2017

Laws of Karma

Today we went out to the mall to have dinner at a Chinese place and to spend time together reading, watching TV calling family members etc. As I was surfing the web I found a post on the 12 laws of Karma. They make sense and could be used for tittles for my chapters. I don't know where these came from but here they are:

12 Laws of Karma

The great law:
Whatever we put into the universe will come back to us or what goes around comes around. 

The Law of Creation
Life does not happen by itself, we need to make it happen or The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step. 

The Law of Humility.
One must accept something in order to change it or accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what will be. 

The Law of Growth
When we change ourselves our lives follow suit and change too.

The Law of Responsibility.
We must take responsibility for what is in our lives.

The Law of Connection.
The past, present and future are all connected. 

The Law of Focus.
We cannot think of two different things at the same time or we can't serve two masters. 

The Law of Giving and Hospitality.
Our behavior should match our thoughts and actions or just do it!

The Law of Here and now.
One cannot be present if they are looking backward. 

The Law of Change.
History repeats itself until we learn from it and change our path or insanity is doing the same thing  expecting in getting different results. 

The Law of Patience and Reward.
The most valuable rewards require persistence or don't ever give up.

The Law of Significance and Inspiration.

Rewards are a direct result of the energy and effort we put into it or the grass is greener where you watered it! 

Con amor,

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