Thursday, March 30, 2017

Vero's Zucchini Rolls

This is the appetizer I have been wanting to make ever since the Relief Society birthday party and they are a hit! I had Glena my helper try them and she said: "They are delicious" It is a winner! I absolutely love this recipe!

A couple of weeks ago the Relief Society had a social event to celebrate Relief Society's anniversary. The theme was "roll up your sleeves" and every one who had a type of a roll recipe such as spring rolls, cinnamon rolls etc. was welcome to bring it to the party to share. The party was a great success with all kinds of rolls you can probably find on Pinterest.

 I thought of making zucchini rolls but din't have chives. However, I think I could have been able to make it even without the chives because it tasted good without it. Today,  since Daniel is out of town and we are having company on Saturday, I decided to try this recipe. Anytime Daniel is away I like to try out new recipes to taste before I make it for him or any guests, I went to get the chives and made this one today.

I will re-name this recipe "Vero's Zucchini rolls" because I made some changes to the recipe.

You will need:
2 or 3 zucchini
100 gr. Philadelphia cream Cheese
50 - 100 gr. ham
1 teaspoon of red onion (optional)
1 Tablespoon chives (optional)
salt and pepper to taste

Slice the zucchini as thin as you can and grill it. Set aside to cool
Mix cheese, ham, chopped chives, salt and pepper. ( I did't have ham this time since I used it all up so I used my canned ham from my storage.) It comes in a form of Pate and it works even better. Other wise I would have to cut up the ham in very small pieces. This mixture is spread over the zucchini and rolled up. To tie the roll use the strings of chive leaves.

When I tasted the ham and cheese I figured that with those two main ingredients, you can actually make this recipe. You can do without the onions and chives. However, it was great to have the chives because that is what I used to wrap the rolls but I supposed you can use any other leaf like a banana leaf. It is mostly for decoration.

I know so many people who don't know what to do with all the zucchini they harvest when Summer comes along. Try this one. You can eat it cold!

Con amor,

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