Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Resolution

New Year Resolution 

Hi girls:

Like most people all over the world I always start my New Year off with a New Year’s resolution to lose a least ten pounds. Anyone interested in joining in? Most of you don’t need to, I know but you can at least be my support group.

I do it every January around my birthday with the best intentions after the Holidays. Some years when I have done weight watchers I have done great but mostly have failed miserably. So here we are once again at the start of a new year thinking how I would love to fit into a nice jacket and dress I got as a gift for Christmas.

I came up with three obstacles dealing with food I need to overcome:

#1 I Love to eat! I don’t know what motivates people to stick to a diet and exercise. I need to find out the secret because I got a good appetite and the motivation goes out the window when I smell the nice aroma of food. I usually do fine at the start of each day but eventually lose sight of my goal by dinnertime like I did today. I ate more empanadas because they were soooo good!

#2 I hate to throw good food away! We had people for dinner today and we had plenty of left overs so we gladly gave whatever we could away but it wasn’t enough because we always end up fixing food for an Army when is just the two of us. (Daniel makes plenty of Milanesas and empanadas each time) Simple as that!

#3 I love to cook! Another huge problem for me is that as I have gotten older and found more time to prepare meals I end up eating multiple times during the day just by tasting whatever I am making.  I also feel hungry all the time. The combination of loving to cook and being hungry is not a good thing. I need help!

It is very obvious I have to do something as I look in the mirror. Last week a picture of me got tagged on facebook and that was “the straw that broke the camels back”. I need to realize that I am not getting any younger. The more weight I put on the older I look and besides diabetes runs in my family Yikes!

The other reason why I must get into shape is that I refuse to be that woman who is too fat to enjoy life, who gets tired walking up a simple flight of stairs, which sadly happens right now.  Last Friday. We went to Corregidor and saw a lighthouse and what do you do when you see a lighthouse? You climb to the top of course but afterwards and the next day I couldn’t move my legs. They were stiff.

January is a good month to start eating less and exercising more because I don’t know any other way of losing weight than burning more calories than you are taking in. I am now committed, so sisters: Vane, Mari and Liz would like to join me? the more the merrier.
I would love a little support group to cheer me up on this quest of losing twenty pounds by our next home leave in July. I think is doable. I will weight in today and again each week for the next 22 weeks. I hope to lose a pound each week and this time I hope I won’t gain the weight all back.

Con amor,

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