Saturday, January 30, 2016

Baptism for two

Today we went to a baptism for two kids in our ward. Carter and Valentina. Daniel got to be Valentina's witness and that was special. Valentina and her family just moved from Chile and can't speak a word of English except of the dad, so part of the meeting was in Spanish, I wanted to see a little bit how it was done so I could give my sister ideas of how she can do Manu's baptism next month.

What I love about the baptismal talks now days is that they come with props that mean something. Things like: A Teddy bear to bear each other burdens, a washcloth to clean our sins, a water bottle since we get immerse in the water, a hand stretch so we can get our spirit even stronger, hearts to be able to repent and let us know what is true and a  blanket for comfort from the Holy Ghost. Got the picture? When you are asked to give a talk as a child is baptized this is expected or your talk is going to sound boring and lame. I will keep this in mind if I ever get asked.

Daniel and I took some photos I will use to make a page on a scrapbook album I will give as a gift to Valentina.

Con amor,

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