Tuesday, January 26, 2016

RIP Officer Barney

Last week as I read the Deseret News one day, I learned that another officer had been killed   near our neighborhood so this struct right at home. leaving a wife and three children. At his funeral today it is expected to be attended by hundreds of people who want to pay their respects. Sad to think how so many officers get killed every year. Their profession is becoming more and more dangerous. A woman wrote this note on her Facebook page that I want to share because she stated a lot of things I have been thinking also. 

"There I was. Driving home from errands, thinking I had so many important things to do still. I need to grocery shop. Did I mail that check? Should I attend that Sundance party? I can't believe I'm starting a new business tomorr--- MY MIND INSTANTLY STOPPED. CHILLS.
Chills ran through my whole body as I took in the scene before me.
...Both sides of the road were lined in American Flags as far as the eye could see. I followed the flags for miles- all the way to the Orem cemetery where I saw them cover the whole landscape. 
Hundreds of them. They stood in solemn silence like soldiers watching the grave...
Officer Barney was buried today.
He was only 44. Had a wife and three teenagers. The obituary said he was warm and funny, quick with a joke, and loved children and babies.
He died (was shot) in service.
I looked at the flags and thought of three teenagers who lost their father.
I thought about his wife, his mother, his siblings, and his 23 nieces and nephews...
It was dark already. The street lamps threw light on the freshly fallen snow. It was beautiful. I sat in my car in silence for a good 20 minutes.
...And I could not remember even one item on my "important" list of things to do.
I only thought about what matters most. My family. My children. My neighbors and friends. Love. Friendship. Laughter and Hugs.
I could not wait to get home to love my children to pieces.
Thank you Officer Barney. Thank you for you service. Thank you for living a life to be proud of. I pray for your family and children. I can't imagine what they are going through.
Hug your kids everyone. Hug your spouse. Hug your parents and siblings and friends.
Throw away that 'to do' list, and savor every moment of your beautiful life.
Love to All."
Michelle Cope

She took  the words out of my mouth. I had this same feeling when I heard of the passing of Damian Romera. He was a young strong man and all of the sudden he was gone. I was busy with Mandy's wedding when I heard the news and for a moment all those details and preparation didn't seemed all that important compare to what his family was  going through. 

Con amor,

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