Friday, January 22, 2016

Our scape to Pico del Loro

For Daniel's birthday we went to Pico del Loro's Resort. It was a very short stay of one night but well worth it. We got up the next morning and walked to the beach. I gave him a  note with several coupons for facials, massages, pedicures and manicures. I also made him a scrapbook of 61 things and sayings from him. This is exactly what I posted on Facebook. 

Happy birthday mi amore!
You are now officially a 60 something! !
Spending time with you I realize that you are a model of honesty, generosity, funny, playful, kind, sweet, considerate, and absolutely positively, incredibly, amazing! You are perfect for me.
These are 61 things I learned from you over the time I have been so honored to be your wife:

1.    Express gratitude in prayer as you start your day.
 2.    Stand up for what you believe is true.
     3.    Admit to your mistakes.
     4.    Be an example for your children to follow.
     5.    Remember that everyone has problems.
 6.    Practice generosity.
     7.    Go to bed early and early to rise.
     8.    Never go to bed angry, kiss and make up.
     9.  Vowed to be faithful.
    10.Set priorities of good, better and best.
11. Celebrate Holidays with family.
    12. Value education.
    13. Eat together as a family.
    14. Vacations don't have to be extravagant to have fun.
    15. Compete but always play fair.
    16. Learn from others mistakes.
    17. Do the math; count your blessings.
    18. Spend time with you kids.
    19. Be a doer. Deeds are better than words.
    20. It’s never too late to start a new tradition.
    21. Overcome difficulties.
    22. Choose to do those hard things first.
    23. Go the extra mile.
    24. Value hard work.
    25. Be always honest.
    26. Have integrity.
    27. Be prepared to do hard things.
    28. Treat people below you with dignity and respect.
    29. Share what you know to your children.
    30. White lies are still lies.
    31. Treat others, as you want to be treated.
    32. Never pretend to be something you are not.
    33. Keep your word no matter what.
    34. Develop your talents as an offering to the Lord.
    35. Make your family a priority.
    36. Know Jesus and His Father, our Father in Heaven.
   37. Invite the Spirit into our home.
   38. Be aware of Satan, he is real.
   39. Hold on to the Iron Rod.
   40. Be seekers of truth. Earn your own testimony.
   41. Read the scriptures daily.
   42. Live the Gospel.
   43. Do something you love doing every day.
   44. Call your mother often.
   45. Take pictures to preserve memories.
   46. To find a good friend, be a good friend.
  47. Parenting is the most important thing you’ll ever do.
  48. Be neat, clean and orderly.
  49. Be humble.
  50. Pray, fast and follow the Spirit.
  51. Be optimistic.
  52. Serve others.
  53. Always remember Him at all times and in all places.
  54. Never stop learning new things.
  55. The most important things in our home are the people.
  56. Be obedient.
  57. Whatever you choose to be...Be a good one!
  58. Be punctual.
  59. Forgive quickly.
  60. Faith is the ability to not panic.
  61. Don’t worry, it will all work out.

My gift to you is me, your Verito. I am so happy we get to spend this day together. “ The best gift you can give someone is your time.” I love you forever!!

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