Sunday, January 31, 2016

Area Counsel

Today we were invited to attend the Area Counsel. They meet every so often with the Area Seventies. I love attending these incredible meetings! The choice men and women in that room are incredibly sweet. I love spending time with them because there is a special spirit that ca only be felt when you are among them. We had our sacrament service there and got to listen to amazing testimonies and talks by sister and Elder Bowen. They spoke on faith and why is it that some  get it and some don't. Another was about how to stay strong despite our trials and another about the growth of the Church. Sister Bowen talked about our Father in Heaven and how familiar he will be someday to us. Elder Bowen spoke on repugnance and even showed a video clip of one os his talks.

But what stuck with me the most today was the light that radiated from all of them today. I love it when you can look at a person and literally see in their countenance that hey are a good person with a good heart. It is undeniable when it radiates from within them and that was the case with the Elders I met today.

Radiating from within don't come as a result of power or position or money or even physical beauty. Radiating from within comes from being a person of integrity whois trying to do the right things combines with a desire to serve others selflessly. And when someone radiates light they are like a magnet that attracts others to them. What I love about people who radiate from within is that they cause everyone else around them to have the desire too also radiate light. Today that is what those Elders did for me and I hope some of that light gets rubbed off on me.

Con amor,

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