Sunday, January 24, 2016

Feast for five

Today we invited some people from Salt Lake to have dinner with us. Even though there were only three guests, we made dinner for an Army. The menu was Enchilada casserole, rice, beans, salad, fruit, potato salad, pico de gallo, bread, brownies, ice-cream etc. It felt good to entertain and meet new people from headquarters, However, this was an impromptu invitation we hadn't even planned.

We went to Church and right there and there, we invited these fellow to our home to eat. From there we came home to eat. I never have invited people right after Church to eat because there is so much to do in the kitchen. Usually we say, come around this or that time, or whenever we  think we would be ready but this time they came with us.

On the way home I was feeling a little bit of panic and anxious since I didn't know exactly what we were going to fix. I would suggest something to Daniel but he wasn't rue so we kept going back and forth what to make for them.  At times, it almost seemed like we were arguing and that is not a good thing to do when you have company that don't even know you.

I realize that I have a problem  with going into panic. I literarily shut down from bing productive and rational. It causes me to become so focused on the fact you are feeling panic that you can't focus on resolving the issues that caused you to panic in the first place. Panic stems from your thoughts. And the best way I have found to overcome panic is self talk-- Literally you  need to couch yourself to settle down and to take a deep breath because no matter what,  it's going to be o.k.

 I was worried they would be waiting too long for our dinner so I wanted to start making some quesadillas as an appetizer but that would take away precious time from making the meal so I had to think of exactly what I needed to get done and start on the most critical thing first.

I have to talk to myself when I get this panic attack even if it seemed juvenile but it works for me. I tell myself. Veronica focus and do those must do things first! It works! It helps me to stop and step away from the panic and go into "matter of the fact mode" which is the voice of reason reminding me that I can get through this if I just take it one step at a time....reminding me that it is going to be okay if I just stop panicking and start focusing.

And so Daniel made the rice and everything he is an expert of making and I forced myself to get completely focused on those other salads and trimmings I know how to make. We both worked hard in the most hyper-focused manner that we have ever worked in a very long time. I started busting out one dish after another. completing one by one and immediately beginning the next. One hour later. Dinner was ready!  We had a amazingly wonderful dinner and that is something to be proud of.

Con amor,

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