Friday, August 19, 2016

Holiday weekend

Today Daniel stayed home from work, it's a holiday! Yay!! Holiday weekends are the best!! Seriously, it is amazing how having that one extra day on your weekend can make such a difference. Daniel needed this extra time to relax. He has been fighting an ear infection and has been taking very strong antibiotics. 

I am not sure how he got this ear infection because he hasn't been swimming or have gone to the beach at all. This usually happens when he gets inside the water. He was commenting the other day that maybe this might be a way his body is telling him to slow down. 

We are always busy, always rushing. always trying to accomplish our list of never ending to-do lists that grow longer with every item we check off as done because it never ends. So every now and then we have the luxury of staying home from work and take a much needed pause and step back and relax and do absolutely nothing and simply enjoy being together with nothing scheduled. And what better time to do that than a holiday weekend. 

Our time today will include: no cleaning, no stressing, no emails, No anything that would be considered work. That is what we intend to do. Except some people called us early in the morning because the neighbor below us had a leak on his bathroom. Other than that, it was a perfect day!

Con amor, 

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