Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Taking care of business

Daniel went to see our MTC doctor because his ear was hurting to find out he does have an ear infection but the million dollar question is: Will he stay home on and called in sick like the way other people do? No, not Daniel. He has to go to work! He was raised to value hard work. Both his parents worked very hard. His mom was a teacher and also had to work outside of the home. I don't know if hard work comes naturally to him or if it was a learned behavior but one thing I know for sure. My husband is not a slacker. 

I supposed it has become a little bit of an obsession to always be working hard. Is like he can never be sick. He even admits how this illness must be a way for his body to remind him to slow down. Is like he can't go o bed at night until he has completed every single task and has answered every email. But overall working hard all his life has served him incredibly well. 

For Daniel being able to look back at your day to see what you have accomplished is very fulfilling. And it is definitely more rewarding to e a hard worker than being a slacker. Without a doubt, being a hard worker is far more rewarding than being a person who sits back and lets life passed by. It is wonderful to be able to say to yourself. I gave it amy all!!

"My grandfather once told me that there are
2 kinds of people those who do the work
and those who take the credit.
He told me to try to be in the first group. 
There is much less competitions." 
Indira Gandhi

In conclusion: Don't shy away from hard work. Roll up your sleeves and get busy. Do all you can do in a da and never regret putting 100% into all you do. It's exciting to accomplish things! It's amazing! And in the end all of your hard work will pay off. 

Con amor,


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