Friday, August 12, 2016

The lighthouse Hotel

Last night we went out of town to a nice touristy place. The Subic Bay. This Bay is on the west Coast of the island of Luzon, about 62 miles northwest of Manila. This is an extension of the South China Sea, its shores were formerly the site of a major Unites States Navy which is now the location of an industrial and commercial area known as Subic Bay Freeport Zone. Art and Omar from the office came with us too. 

Last night we stayed at the lighthouse Marina Resort and from our bedroom we could see the lighthouse and everything in the Hotel had lighthouses decor and even the napkins had the engraved lighthouse logo. This looks like a fun place to come sailing if you own a boat. 

We visited some Church building went looking for a home for future mission President. One thing I know I would not have in my home is a dog ever again. Those days are over for us. That home that we saw smelled so bad, like wet dog. It reaked!  This family had a lot of cats and a dog or two. Almost any home I visit with pets have that peculiar nasty smell. 

The current mission President and his wife were having a missionary activity with the zone leaders and trainers. It was so refreshing to meet some very outstanding young men and women. They are so full of life and so fun to be around

Con amor,


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