Thursday, September 8, 2016

Count your many blessings

Daniel and I love watching  several tv shows where people do an extensive remodel on their homes and we can see the before and after. We sometimes look at those homes and see nothing wrong with them. People here in the Philippines would die to have running water, electricity, not to mention nice bathrooms and kitchens but I guess it's all relative. "No. We don't always get what we want. But consider this; There are people who will never have, what you have right now."

So many times we get sucked into thinking about every little thing we still want that we totally lose sight of just how blessed we already are and we forget to be thankful for all those things we take for granted. I was thinking today about our situation with owning five properties and all rented out to good people. What if we didn't have a home? like so many people out there. What if Daniel didn't have a job? What if we were dealing with an illness? what if we never had found each other and we were still single? What if a loved one had died? I Would we still be grateful for what we do have? I hope that no matter what life throws at me, that I will find a way to be happy. " Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not, but remember that what you now have was among the things you only hoped for."

Here is an example: Laurie Fox and I both lived on Diana way. She ended up as a  single mom even before I did and is still single after fifteen years. She also had the tragedy of her son getting killed in the Army. It was an accident. She and her daughters showed a post on Facebook visiting his grave and in the photo they were smiling and even laughing. They were remembering him, and telling stories about him. I really admire her and her strength for all the things she has endured. And she was my inspiration for writing this post. " Happiness isn't about getting what you want all the time, its' bout loving what you have and being grateful for it."

Con amor,


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