Saturday, September 24, 2016

You are worthy of rescue.

I was asked to teach a class tomorrow so I am preparing for it. The lesson is on a talk by President Uchtdorf. "He will place you in your shoulders and carry you home. "

I love preparing for this class. I got the Lost sheep segment video to show and pictures of the before and after of the City of Dresden that President Uchdorf talks about. I got the cute bookmarks and I decided the talk into 12 parts for people to participate. I think I am ready!

President Uchdorf compare the city of Dresden that was once destroyed by war is now again restores into a beautiful place. He stated: " If a man can take the ruins, rubble, and remains of a broken city and rebuild an awe-inspiring structure that rises toward the heavens, how much more capable is our Almighty Father to restore His children who have fallen, struggled , or become lost?

The joyous news of the gospel is this: because of the eternal plan of happiness provided by our loving Heavenly Father and through the infinite sacrifice of Jesus the Christ, we can not only be redeemed from our fallen state and restored to purity, but we can also transcend mortal imagination and become heirs of eternal life and partakes of God's indescribable glow...""..

To me the parable of the lost sheep is one of the most hopeful passages in all of scripture. Our Savior, the Good Shepherd, knows and loves us. He knows your grief. Your silent pleadings. Your fears. Your tears. It matters not how you became lost. What matters is that you are His child and He loves you. He loves His children.

What must we do? His invitation is simple: Turn to me... Come to me... draw near unto me and I will draw near unto requires a little faith. But do not despair, if you cannot master faith right now, begin with hope. If you cannot say you know God is there, you can hope that He is. Your can desire to believe. That is enough to start. Over time, you will recognize His hand your life. You will feel His love. And the desire to walk in His light and follow His way will grow wit every step of faith you take. We call these steps of faith obedience. ..

This is not a popular word these days. But obedience is a cherished concept in the gospel of Jesus Christ because we know that "through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel... Obedience is the lifeblood of faith. It is by obedience that we gather light into our souls...Here on earth, however, our thought and actions become encumbered with that which is corrupt, unholy and impure. The dust and filth of the world stain our souls. making it difficult to recognize and remember our birthright and purpose. But all this cannot change who we truly are. The fundamental divinity of our nature remains. And the moment we choose to incline our hearts to our beloved Savior and set foot upon the path of discipleship, something miraculous happens. The love of God fills our hearts, the light of truth fills our minds, we start to lose the desire to sin, and we do not want to walk any longer in darkness.

We come to see obedience not as a punishment but as a liberating path to our divine destiny. Any gradually, the corruption, dust, and limitations of this earth begin to fall away. Eventually, the priceless, eternal spirit of the heavenly being within us is revealed, and radiance of goodness becomes our nature. You are worthy of rescue! "

Con amor,

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