Monday, May 26, 2014

Book club list

I got in a organizing mood today for all cards, office things and papers. I am trying to throw away papers that I probably would never touch again. I found some old BYU papers when I was in school and for the life of me, it was hard to let them go. One in particular had a list of 100 must books to read in case I ever find time. I read a few of those classics back in High School and sometimes I wonder how do people like Barbara Lovejoy read a book per week? I start with one and it takes me months to finish it. Well Here is the list by tittle and Author: Tuesday with Morrie by Albom. House of the Spirits by Allende The Heart of a Woman by Angelou. Alias Grace by Atwood. The Edible Woman by Atwood. Handmaid's Tale by Atwood. Pride and Prejudice by Austen. holy Blood, Holy Grail by Baigent. Jihad vs. Mc World by Barber. A Man for All Seasons by bolt. Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury. The Martian Chronicles by Bradbury. The Mists Of Avalon by Bradley. Jane Eyre by Bronte. The Da Vinci Code by Brown. The Good Earth by Back.Your Blues Ain"t like Mine by Campbell. In Cold Blood by Capote. The Education of Little Tree by Carter. Tale of Conjure and the Color Lime by Chesnutt. Girl with a Pearl Earrin by Chevalier. Mark Twain by Clements. Prince of Tides by Conroy. The Road from Coorain by Conwey. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Covey. Far from the Tree by De Berry. The Red Tent by Delamant. Guns, Germs and Steel by Diamond. Tail of Two Cities by Dickens. Stones for Ibarra by Doerr. Nickel and Dimed by Ehrenreich. Love Medicine by Endrich. Like Water for Chocolate by Esquivel. The Sound and the Fury by Faulkner. Finding Fis by Fisher. The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald.  The Side of Paradise by Fitzgerald. Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.  Frank Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman by Gaines. Love in the Time of Cholera by Garcia Marquez.  Memoirs of a Geisha by Golden. Final Payments by Gordon. Greenberg Joanne by Green. Ordinary People by Guest. Malcom X by Haley. A Raisin in the Sun by Hansberry. Test of the D'Urbervilles by Hardy. The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne. Catch 22 by Heller. The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway.  Seabiscuit by Hilenbrand. Smilla's Sense of Snow by Hoeg. Their Eyes Were Watching God by Hurston. Middle Passage by Johnson. Secret Life of Bees by Kidd. The Beekeeper's Apprentice by King. The Bean Trees by Kingsolver. Pigs I Heaven by Kingsolver.  Kim by Kipling. Left Behind by LaHaye.  Inherit the Wind by Lawrence. To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee. The Color of Water by Mc Bride.Makes me Wanna Holler by McCall. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by McCullers. Truman by McCullough. The Rosewood Casket by McCrumb. A Day Late and A Dollar Short by McMillan. The Prince by Machiavelli. Autobiography of Malcom X by Malcom X with Haley. Life of Pi by Martel.  Under the Tuscan Sun by Mayes.  Beloved by Morrison. The Bluest Eye by Morrison. Sula by Morrison.  Women of Brewster Place by Naylor. Leap of Faith by Noor. Animal Farm by Orwell. How to Make and American Quilt by Otto. Cry, the Beloved Country by Paton. The Chosen by Potok. One True Thing by Quindlen. Harry Porter and The Sorcere's tone by Rowling. Catcher in The Rye by Salinger. Princess,A True Story of Life Behind the Veil by Sasson. Killer Angels by Shaara.  The Jungle by Sinclair. A Thousand Acres by Smiley. The Covenant: with Black America by Smiley. the Kitchen God's Wife by Tan. Vanity Fair by Thackeray. The Hobbit by Tolkein. A Connecticut Yankee to King Arthurs Court by Twain. Saint Maybe by Tyler. Lincoln by Vidal. Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Vreeland. Night by Wisel. The Diva Doctrine: 16 Universal Principal Every Woman Needs to Know by Patricia Davis. I will continue to add books as I hear about them. My goal is to read one every month as my own secret book club.

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