Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Dinner is served.

Today I felt like fixing food. A lot of food. My intention was to buy enough food to take to a sister who is not doing too well. I called her and called her, left messages and nothing so Daniel get's home and reminds me that today is ward temple night, and the office temple night too.  He had invited Guillermo Antivilo and Brother Toro to the session. We get there and we are the only ones there so it turned out to be a private session. After the session we came home to have dinner. The menu included Chinese fried rice, chicken, cole slaw, bread, guacamole and salsa and apple pie for dessert. I made cramberry smothes too. It all came together so perfect because I was prepared. It reminded me of an article that came out talking about how I love to have a pot of beans or stew or something always ready to eat in case there is an emergency. That was the ideal in my dreams but today all what I said is true. It feels good to have some type of food and in this case Chicken and Rice to eat at a moments notice.

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