Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Meals on wheels

Today there was a small earthquake here in he DR but I felt nothing. It's funny how people will write on their facebook wall as if it's a real disaster but thank goodness there is nothing major to report so no worries. We are all doing fine and dandy.

 In the morning I got to go visiting teaching with Jill Kimball today and the message was any talk from General Conference. We chose to message by elder Urdoff about being grateful at times of adversity. It is one talk I can read over and over again. Later on I took dinner to another sister. She is a wonderful woman who is separated from her husband and getting all the paperwork done for her pending divorce. She told me her ex has another child with another woman. She has no job and also cares for her aging mother and the sole provider to her children.

She has been unemployed for some time and is looking for work. I felt like I needed to do something for her and the only thing that came o mind was to prepare food because I know she would never ask so I made dinner and found out she was too busy to make dinner tonight. She welcomed everything I took. A casserole, rice, fruit, and apple pie. She told me that her phone has not been working and that explains why I haven't been able to get a hold of her. I want to help her when she decides to enter the temple but for now is not a priority although it would be wonderful when her life gets more settled with her divorce finalized and a good job.

I felt good about doing a little something for her when no one asked me. I did it all by myself. Jill was busy with her own life and I didn't want her to worry about fixing another dinner. I wanted to be like meals on wheels and feel so bless I can be of some service to a sister who truly deserves it.

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