Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A close call

Thoughts during 55 days on quarantine 

My daughter Cristi wrote this post on Instagram.

Three seconds.

Three seconds is all it would have taken to have experience the nightmare all parents fear. 

I watched the moment unfold as my ten-year-old went speeding down the sidewalk on his electric scooter (without a helmet and shoes) completely disregarding the huge moving truck approaching the same intersection. "Surely he will stop" I thought to myself.


Hd didn't.

His very undeveloped frontal loves made the choice to not stop and check before barreling through the intersection. 

Miraculously, his guardian angels must have helped him cross in time and he made it to the other side. 

O course, I went to work can scenario and played out that horrid scene in my head.

I cried tears of fear, frustration, and relief as I pulled him into me and thanked God that his life was spared. 

It's amazing how in moments like these our priorities become clear. Things that felt stressful lethal day  all of a sudden disappeared and were replaced with gratitude. 

Oh what I would give to  be able to o back in time just for a moment when they were babies and scoop the up in my arms and kiss those squishy cheeks and never let go. 

But we have to let go and step back eventually and allow our kids to make choices. Choices that might not be what we would have chosen. And it all feels a bit vulnerable some days. 

I remember talking to Cristi about this incident because at the very hour when this was happening, I was calling Cristi on the phone but she didn't answer. She was busy, to say the least. I am so grateful for this tender mercy. 

Con amor,


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