Friday, May 29, 2020

Be gentle

Thoughts on 71 days on Quarantine: 
Be gentle.
That non-essential business that was just ordered to close? It may not be essential to you, but it’s essential to the owners. Closing their doors was harder than the blood, sweat and tears they put into opening it. 
So be gentle. 
That mom upset about the playground closing? That was the 30min break in her daily schedule she looked forward to most. That 30 minutes reenergized her for the next 4 hours. Now she doesn’t know how she will make it through the day. 
So be gentle. 
Your colleague that keeps sharing memes; making light of the situation? They are taking it seriously. They are scared. They are grounding themselves through humour, the only way they know how. 
So be gentle. 
The father with a cart overflowing with food? He’s not hoarding. He’s picking up groceries for his family, his elderly mom and his sick neighbor. 
So be gentle. 
We understand the importance of staying home, but we don’t understand what others are going through. 
So be gentle. 
Social distancing doesn’t mean turning our backs on one another. I have learned a few important things about myself during this quarantine. 
One, I need to be productive to feel good and happy. 
Two, I am stronger emotionally than I realized. I can keep a positive attitude. 
Three, I have so much to be grateful for.
four, we are blessed to not have to find other sources of income like so many who have lost their jobs. 
five, family is all that matters and we become resilient as we experience trials. 
Con amor,

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