Sunday, May 10, 2020

My mom knew best!

Thoughts on 52 days on quarantine.

Today I want to honor my Mother. But I also want to express gratitude to all of the other Mothers in the world who sacrifice so much of yourselves for your children.There are no words to adequately express the tender feelings I have toward my Mother. She gave birth to five girls and raised four, because one was a still birth. I can't even imagine what that loss must have felt like. She experienced so many things alone because my dad was not present when this birth happened. It was her, the nurses and the doctor. 

My mom's trial reminded me of this quote, " The hardships and headaches have made me a better person. I try to learn what the Lord would have me learn. You see, I'd rather become worthy towel in his presence than be beautiful. socially prominent, or famous. I have often wondered if I would have reached the depth of commitment in any other way. Does it really matter what we suffer If we qualify to live with Him? Pray for me; don't pray for my suffering to be less, but that I may endure to the end regardless of what is required." Mrs. Barton

I can’t even imagine juggling all the things she had to do considering the fact that she also worked outside the home.I know the feeling, I also gave birth to three girls, and had a job. I remember how overwhelming it felt many days when my girls were young just trying to keep up with all their homework so I can’t even begin to fathom how my Mom did it with four.. All I know is the woman is a saint and I’m quite certain she’ll be given an automatic pass into heaven for all she’s a done as a Mother. LOVE YOU MOM!!!!!

Motherhood is often a thankless job – people don’t give mothers validation for changing diapers, or cleaning up throw up, or helping with homework, or staying up late at night waiting for a teenager to return home. In fact their kids often call them “the worst” for making them do chores,  and when they make them do homework, and you never hear kids going around singing their mother’s praise for ensuring they have clean underwear and clothes to wear each day. 

Is it any wonder that as a mother you often feel like a complete failure no matter how hard you try?? But you are not a failure…you are anything but….because you were willing to sacrifice of yourself to bring a child into this world, and you love your children with all of your heart and that is what matters. So just keep doing your best because one day those children will have children of their own and they will understand and appreciate all that you’ve done for them. 

Mothers deserve to be celebrated everyday, not just on Mother’s Day, but every day! And I was blessed with the greatest Mother of all! 

Con amor,

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