Tuesday, May 26, 2020

When a day ends

Thanks on 68 days of quarantine.

Think back through your day, today … what decisions have you made so far? Whether the decisions you have made have been small or large, it is true that we all have made multiple decisions today. We always make so many decisions in a day that sometimes we do not even realize that we have, indeed, decided. What if we were to purposefully make one more decision, though? What if, each day when we wake up, we decide to choose happiness? I have been doing yoga each morning and meditation and it has helped me create my day with a purpose with a feeling of happiness that I felt is worth sharing. 
A Church News article from April 2013 outlines how happiness can be a mindful decision. This article is about “what brings us happiness or helps adjust our thoughts if we slip into feeling sad, blue, dejected, low, or ‘down in the dumps.’” The article canvasses and comments on several deep thoughts on the subject of “happiness as a choice”, as expressed by such wise men as David O. McKay, Aristotle, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas S. Monson, Charles Swindoll, Jeffrey R. Holland, and Joseph B. Wirthlin.
The article counsels: “A sure formula for achieving happiness is to live in conformity to the teachings of Jesus Christ, whom Heavenly Father sent to earth to put into effect His great plan of happiness. Doing anything contrary to His teachings brings misery, not happiness. As Alma told Corianton, his son who had strayed from the path of righteousness, ‘wickedness never was happiness’ (Alma 41:10).”
This validates the truth that holding strong to the “iron rod”, which is the Word of God, will lead us directly to happiness in this life and, in due time, to our happy existence in our eternal life. When we choose to follow God’s commandments in the best ways that we can, He will bless us with feelings of satisfaction for making our best efforts. This sense of solid satisfaction that we have done our best will lead us either in this life and/or in the life hereafter to feelings of overwhelming joy.
The article notes that feelings of envy might hinder our ability to find joy and happiness here on earth. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, “… Someone or something is forever telling us we need to be more handsome or more wealthy, more applauded or more admired than we see ourselves as being. We are told we haven’t collected enough possessions or gone to enough fun places. We are bombarded with the message that on the world’s scale of things we have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.” 
When we compare our blessings to others’ blessings, we may struggle to see the greatness of God’s blessings to us in our lives. A better choice could be to focus on our blessings only and count them, one by one. Happiness is a choice.
Happiness truly is up to you and me. We can choose now to see happiness in our lives. Ask yourself: Do I look at a glass as being half-empty or half-full? Am I thankful for the blessings the Lord has so mercifully given to me? Let us make the best choices today. Let us also choose today to be happy. I like to meditate about my day before going to bed.

Con amor,

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