Thursday, May 7, 2020

That is what mothers do

Thoughts on our 49 days on quarantine.

While looking at some old files I found a post that my daughter Cristi wrote on motherhood ten yeas ago on a day like today. May 7, 2010

She titled it "My mom is a worrier" 

"Mothers are warriors. They are. I went to bed last night feeling miserable with the flu, but despite my fever and achy body, I had no problem getting up to feed my little man. I was amazed how I was able to function in such a miserable state. Motherhood comes with a whole new level of strength that you didn't even realize you had.  Really how amazing are woman?  I lay in bed (too hot to sleep) reflecting on how strong mothers are and how so often their strength and sacrifice goes unnoticed. 

I thought about my mom. My mom is a warrior. I have watched her endure many hardships and watched her transform into a better person through her endurance. She has taught me that through persistence and faith- you can make anything happen. I love you mom. Thank you for waking up in the middle of the night to feed me when I was a baby- even on days you didn't feel well. Those small things are taken for granted until one day you are doing it for your own little one. Thank you. I love you."

I agree, mothers are warriors. I can also think of my own mother doing the same thing for me and her mother doing the same thing for her because that is what mothers do. 

Con amor,

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