Saturday, May 9, 2020

Some Good News

Thoughts on 51 days on quarantine

I want to give a shout out to Bianca. She is too humble to share this with the world so I will share for her because the world needs some good news!

Bianca lives in Wilton Connecticut. She is organizing a Mother's Day activity wth the young women in her congregation for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Bianca's church group hasn't been able to meet together for a while now and some of the older jokes are getting lonely. This week they are doing an "adopt a grandma for Mother's Day" activity where a girl was assign an older woman in the community to send them cards, texts, video or a phone call to with them a Happy Mother's Day! That should bring a smile on their faces. 

Despite the distance, there are still a few things we can do for our elderly who are the most vulnerable. I can't wait to see what was the reaction. I love fun surprises! 

Con amor,

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