Friday, May 8, 2020

When tragedy strikes

Thoughts on our 50 days on quarantine

Last night, my sister Liz wrote on messenger about the sad news of the death of an Argentine doctor she knew in Tanzania. His name was Fernando Morales. The  story was published in Infobae. He was married to a woman from Mozanbique.  His wife was stranded in Argentina. She had come to help her mother in law but due to COVID-19, she couldn’t return to Tanzania. The airport has been closed for eight weeks. This is heartbreaking for her and children; to lose a loved one so unexpectedly, and so inopportune as they were apart, precisely now. 

When tragedy like this strikes we immediately ask why? Why did this young doctor, husband and father of two young boys ages twelve and eight with so much to live for must get taken so suddenly? Why is he gone when he had so much to live for, a time when his wife and children needed him? What purpose could that serve? Why are good people taken from us? 

I honestly can’t think of why but a loving Heavenly Father knows. I trust that whatever happens, it happens for a reason. Even when we can’t understand it. He knows the end from the beginning. All we can do is Pray. He is in charge. Many positive things can come into our life as a result of a trial, but the one that I believe to be the most positive is what trials can do to strengthen our belief in God, and to solidify our faith. Trials help us discover how much we trust God. They allow us to discover how much faith we have. 

My heart aches for the children even when I have never met them. I hope his wife understands that our life doesn’t end when our physical bodies die. I believe that our spirits go on to the spirit world to continue to live there while they wait until the day when we will be united with them again. I am grateful to know that families can be together forever. I am forever grateful for my faith. I am forever grateful for the belief that families can be together forever and hope the Morales family will find comfort and peace. 

Con amor,

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