Friday, May 15, 2020

Scripture study

Thoughts on 57 days of quarantine

One of the things I have been able to do more during this quarantine is read, especially the scriptures. I don't have the excuse that I am too busy and can't find the time. Here is something that President Henry B. Eyring said about reading the scriptures:

"God has communicated to me through the scriptures throughout my life.

Whether seeking to know more about doctrine or whether looking for answers to questions, the scriptures have been a resource that I have relied on in a variety of situations.
Invariably I find new ideas and thoughts I have never had before, and I receive inspiration, instruction, and answers to my questions that benefit me personally,” 
President Eyring then gave suggestions to Church members on how they can have more effective scripture study.
  1. Make scripture study a priority by finding a regular time to study, such as at the beginning and the end of the day.
  2. Go to the scriptures to learn what God would most like you to do and study it out.
  3. Recognize how families are an integral part of the Book of Mormon and study the scriptures as a family. Let your family see your love for the scriptures.
  4. Let the scriptures become part of you and read them when you need to feel the peace of the Spirit.
“I have learned that over a lifetime the scriptures can become a part of me,” he said. “I have the dream of someday having the word of God be so much a part of me that the Lord can draw upon it and I can learn to think as He does. And in the process, I will have come unto Him.”
I think the key for scripture study to know when and where t do it?  If we find a special place and time each day that gets block from everything else. We can develop the habit. In high school I remember there was an hour each day called DEAR Drop, Everything, And, Read. At that time, everyone in the school got out their books and started reading until the bell rang.. It was done to create a habit for reading. 
My time is 10:00 -11:00 am at my dining room table. If someone calls, I don't answer the phone until I am done reading. 
Con amor,

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